The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto is a 2022 American action comedy film directed by Patrick Hughes. The film stars Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco, Jasmine Mathews, Lela Loren, Pierson Fodé, Jencarlos Canela, and Ellen Barkin. The Man from Toronto was released on June 24, 2022, by Netflix. The film received generally negative reviews from critics.
This is… all part of your method? No, man, this is just a warm-up. When you ain't did it in a while, things can get a little animal. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about. Gotta tap into that danger zone. Start using safe words. I can't say that I do. Oh, you probably got safe sentences. Safe paragraphs. [laughs]
The Man from Toronto
Well, follow me. Oh, you gonna take me on the tour. What is it, a game room? You got a ping-pong table down here? [laughs] Probably… Hey, how are you doing? You with the rental team? Good to see you. Oh, my. Hold on. What the… -No. -Uh-uh. Excuse me. We have work to do. You're not leaving until it's done.
The Man from Toronto