The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto is a 2022 American action comedy film directed by Patrick Hughes. The film stars Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco, Jasmine Mathews, Lela Loren, Pierson Fodé, Jencarlos Canela, and Ellen Barkin. The Man from Toronto was released on June 24, 2022, by Netflix. The film received generally negative reviews from critics.
You're driving. You want me to steal a cop car? You don't see the irony in that? -Asking a Black man to steal a cop car. -Get in that car, right now! Stop, all right? Just stop. Fine. Fine. Know what? You're gonna deal with the consequences. You're gonna talk to Lori! That's… You're gonna do it. I'm not dealin' with nothing that comes from this. Nothing! -What happened to being a person? -[yells] Drive! [squealing]
The Man from Toronto