The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto is a 2022 American action comedy film directed by Patrick Hughes. The film stars Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco, Jasmine Mathews, Lela Loren, Pierson Fodé, Jencarlos Canela, and Ellen Barkin. The Man from Toronto was released on June 24, 2022, by Netflix. The film received generally negative reviews from critics.
[song continues] [Teddy] So you're telling me this is some type of tech company event? [Toronto] Yeah. [Teddy] My mouth is burning. Sure you don't want any of these Hot Hot Cheese Puffs? Put that garbage away, man. What you mean garbage? It's good. I'm trying to be nice and give you some.
The Man from Toronto
Stop living in your imagination. -That's for Mr. Green to do. -You don't think I know that? Let's not skip the fact that I'm now here carrying out a mission that I'm not capable of doing. You're gonna go in there, you're gonna give him your scariest look, and you're gonna complete the mission, or you have no idea what I'm gonna do to you.
The Man from Toronto