The Man from Toronto
The Man from Toronto is a 2022 American action comedy film directed by Patrick Hughes. The film stars Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco, Jasmine Mathews, Lela Loren, Pierson Fodé, Jencarlos Canela, and Ellen Barkin. The Man from Toronto was released on June 24, 2022, by Netflix. The film received generally negative reviews from critics.
Right now, my priority is getting back to my wife. My wife has a birthday dinner. 7:00 p.m. -You're lying. -Why would I lie about dinner? No, about having a wife. I saw your YouTube video. Nobody who teaches non-contact boxing could possibly hold down a marriage. I mean, you ever actually punched a guy in the face?
The Man from Toronto
There was a time where I was in a situation where somebody grabbed my backpack. And I turned around, without knowing who it was, hit her in the face. Uh… Of course we were younger, so she cried. And that's when the principal came. What are we talking about right now? My marriage… Matter of fact, no, my life… My life is depending on it, do you understand that? Your life depends on this. [Teddy] News flash! I'm more afraid of Lori than I am of you! -Would she torture you? -With the silent treatment, yeah.
The Man from Toronto
Hi, my little avocado. Oh, honey, I am having the greatest birthday ever, okay? Oh, and guess what? -Annie's in town. -Uh, hey, Teddy. Okay, don't freak out, don't panic. I won't say anything rude or sarcastic for once. Teddy, honey, I've never said this in all the years I've known you, but wow. I mean, well done. You didn't Teddy it. This makes up for years of disappointment-- Okay. Honey, listen, I know you made a reservation for us, but Annie can get us into this amazing place. Oh, yeah, tell him. There's supposed to be food, dancing, just a whole experience. It's called L'Ambassadeur. It's French. He won't understand. So I hope that doesn't mess up your plans too much. -I'm excited. See you there. -Oh, champagne! -Bye, love you. -[Anne] Do you have glasses? Whoo! [Latin fusion music playing]
The Man from Toronto
[cow moos] [Teddy] I just want you to know you killed six people on this plane. And the fact this isn't a big deal to you, it baffles me. It makes you a sick individual in my eyes. -It's a dog-eat-dog world. -[cell phone ringing] What does that mean? What does that mean outside of being untrue? Dogs don't eat other dogs. So it can't be a dog-eat-dog world. Naturally, a dog will sniff another dog's butt. He may lick some poop occasionally. But he won't eat another dog. Dogs don't eat other dogs.
The Man from Toronto