Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery is a 2019 American comedy mystery film directed by Kyle Newacheck and written by James Vanderbilt. The film stars Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, and Luke Evans, and follows a married couple who are caught up in a murder investigation on a billionaire's yacht. It was released on June 14, 2019, by Netflix. It received mixed reviews from critics. A sequel was released by Netflix on March 31, 2023.
You gave this to me. This was my anniversary gift. - Okay. - You lied about that, too? We'll get into all that, okay? But right now, I gotta figure out how we're gonna get out of this situation. You have to figure this out? What do you think I've been doing? This is what I do for a living, sweetheart! You're a goddamn hairdresser!
Murder Mystery