Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery is a 2019 American comedy mystery film directed by Kyle Newacheck and written by James Vanderbilt. The film stars Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, and Luke Evans, and follows a married couple who are caught up in a murder investigation on a billionaire's yacht. It was released on June 14, 2019, by Netflix. It received mixed reviews from critics. A sequel was released by Netflix on March 31, 2023.
The guy that throws me off the most... Cavendish... to me, he seems like he's compensating for something, with the Great Gatsby look and the jawline and the "hey, I'm so gorgeous." Am I right? Mm-hmm. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Charles Cavendish. - Isn't that the... - Except... he probably murdered his uncle.
Murder Mystery
Winner of this year's Monte Carlo Grand Prix! I find that Suzi Nakamura very suspicious. She's the only one who didn't have a motive. - It was Cavendish and you know it. - You just... No, you just don't like him. I don't like him. I don't. I hate his guts, but that's not it. - Did you just steal all of those? - He's the sole blood heir. He stands to make the biggest claim for the fortune. I want one of these. - Malcolm stole his fiancée. - Okay. That's all three motives. Money, love, revenge. We went past it. I don't know where we are. We're over here. Will you please try one of these? No! Oh, my God. You know what?
Murder Mystery
Maybe he's being watched by the killer. What if we're being watched by the killer? What if he was in here? Maybe he stole my Peanut M&Ms. I stole your Peanut M&Ms. You stole my Peanut M&Ms? - I wanted to see if they tasted the same! - You got to stop eating. You're gonna gain it all back. I'm going to 802. Are you coming with me? Okay, wait. Let me just... - What? - ...figure something out.
Murder Mystery