Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood is a 2019 comedy-drama film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. Produced by Columbia Pictures, Bona Film Group, Heyday Films, and Visiona Romantica and distributed by Sony Pictures, it is a co-production between the United States, United Kingdom, and China. It features a large ensemble cast led by Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie. Set in 1969 Los Angeles, the film follows a fading actor and his stunt double as they navigate the rapidly changing film industry, with the threat of the Tate murders looming. Announced in July 2017, it is the first Tarantino film not to involve Bob and Harvey Weinstein, as Tarantino ended his partnership with the brothers following the sexual abuse allegations against the latter. After a bidding war, the film was distributed by Sony Pictures, which met Tarantino's demands including final cut privilege. Pitt, DiCaprio, Robbie, Zoë Bell, Kurt Russell, and others joined the cast between January and June 2018. Principal photography lasted from June through November around Los Angeles. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is the final film to feature Luke Perry, who died on March 4, 2019, and it is dedicated to his memory. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood premiered at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival on May 21, 2019, and was theatrically released in the United States on July 26, 2019, and in the United Kingdom on August 14. It grossed $374 million worldwide and received praise from critics for Tarantino's direction and screenplay, the performances (particularly from DiCaprio and Pitt), cinematography, soundtrack, sound design, costume design, and production values. The National Board of Review and the American Film Institute named Once Upon a Time in Hollywood one of the top-ten films of 2019. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was nominated for ten awards at the 92nd Academy Awards, winning two (Best Supporting Actor for Pitt and Best Production Design), and received numerous other accolades. A novelization, written by Tarantino in his debut as an author, was published on June 29, 2021.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

SQUEAKY: So who is it? SNAKE: I ain't for sure yet. It's a bitchen yellow Coupe de Ville. SQUEAKY: Keep an eye on him.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Come on.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Where the hell is everybody?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Hey, where's Gypsy? She's down by the chop shop.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

- Hey! - GYPSY: Hello! Gypsy! I want you to come meet my new friend. SNAKE: Some old-looking dude in a Hawaiian shirt who just gave Pussycat a ride home. SQUEAKY: He just gave her a lift? SNAKE: Nope. She's bringing him down the ranch to meet everybody. SQUEAKY: Stay by the door. Tell me if he starts coming this way. [FILM DIALOGUE IN BACKGROUND] - Welcome to our community. - Thanks for having me. Thank you for giving our precious Pussy a ride home. Think nothing of it. We love Pussy. [LAUGHS] Yes, we do. Hey, where is everybody? Where's the children? Everybody left for Santa Barbara. Really? Charlie's gone? Everybody left? Well, not "everybody" everybody, but mostly everybody.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

I really wanted Cliff to meet Charlie. I think Charlie's really gonna dig you. - Angel, hold up. - Well, maybe next time. PUSSYCAT: Yeah, you got to come back. - Yeah? - CLIFF: Yeah, sure.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

PUSSYCAT: So how's it all comparing to your glory days? Well, things have changed.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Not a bad mount, Connie. I used to ride horses every day back in Tennessee. - Is that right? - Every day? Well, every week. All right. Ain't she just darling? [SIGHS]

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

So, uh, my name is Lulu. This is Tex. We're gonna be leading you on a great trail ride through the beautiful Santa Susana canyons. Now, Curt, I hear you're already an experienced rider. - Yes. - LULU: Yeah, so are you, Connie? - CONNIE: Yes, I am. - Hey, Tex? Come here. So, uh, if you're both experienced riders, I guess we'll just make this ride about having fun. You ready to have some fun? So Pussycat brought back some guy with her. Gypsy wants you to go give him a look-see. Yeah. Sure thing. [♪♪♪]

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Oh, and here's someone you absolutely have to meet. One of our most favorite sons. Tex, come on over here and say hi to Cliff. - Howdy, Cliff. - Tex. - What part of Texas you from? - Oh, a place you never heard of. Copeville. Ah. Ever been to Houston? Course I have. Yeah, I spent two weeks once on a Houston chain gang. In August, no less. That doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun. It's the last cop's jaw I ever broke, I can tell you that. [LAUGHS] [INHALES SHARPLY] [SMACKS LIPS] Man...

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Charlie's gonna dig you. The Hawaiian guy seems to be okay. Everybody's talking all friendly. - GYPSY: Enjoy your day! - TEX: Thank you. SNAKE: Tex checked him out, and now he's riding away. SQUEAKY: If he comes this way, let me know.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Hey, does George Spahn still own this ranch? Yeah, George still owns it. - Does he still live here? - Yeah. Does he still live right there? GYPSY: Yeah. Is he here now? I guess so.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

So George gave you all permission to be here?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Course he did. CLIFF: And y'all take care of him?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood